Four Home Cleaning Resolutions To Help You Kick Off The New Year

Here at Carpet Tech, we love the New Year. It’s a chance for all of us to reflect on the year that’s behind us and resolve to do things differently. Many of us focus on self improvement projects. However, it’s difficult to kick off your other resolutions such as detoxing your diet or spending more quality time with friends and family if your house is a wreck.

Add these cleaning resolutions to your list to help you start the year fresh.


Before you launch into any deep cleaning endeavors, it’s good to open up space by getting rid of the clutter. Make a sweep through each room in your home and round up things you no longer need. Return any gifts that weren’t on your list. Donate clothes and items that you didn’t use in 2017. Empty every junk drawer in the house and throw away anything that is truly junk.


Resolve to breathe cleaner in 2018 by removing the vent covers in each room and giving them a proper, deep clean. If you notice build up around the vents and returns, you may need to schedule a professional air duct cleaning. Carpet Tech’s expert technicians can perform a video inspection of your air ducts to show you hidden dirt and debris that circulates through your home. Even if you regularly replace your filters, ductwork still needs to be professionally cleaned and requires specialized equipment. We can help with that!


During the holiday rush, your carpet likely experienced higher traffic and more spills. Vacuuming is a great way to care for your carpet, but vacuuming alone is simply not enough. We recommend a cleaning at least every 4-6 months from a skilled professional. Wondering if it’s time to schedule your cleaning? Take this quick quiz to find out!


Humid environments like your bathroom spread mildew and other dirty and harmful bacteria. Start 2018 with clean slate, or ceramic tile, or any of your hard surfaces, by scheduling a high-pressure steam clean. Carpet Tech can restore tile and grout in your bathroom or kitchen to look like new. After your surface is cleaned, we can apply sealant to protect from future unwanted spills and stains.

Don’t leave your home off your 2018 list of resolutions! Reach out to Carpet Tech for a free quote today.

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