Air Ducts, Allergies, And You

During the season of all things scary, we set aside a special time to think about (and celebrate) the things that frighten us the most: those little things that go bump in the night! And for many people, the scariest things are the things that we can’t even see.

Today, we’re discussing allergens, things that often go unseen, but can threaten the health of those that suffer from their presence. Allergens are everywhere, including the very air that we breathe and the air inside your own home. Home is a place where everyone should be able to get away from things that threaten their health, but evil has its ways. At this point, you’re likely wondering how various allergens, irritants, and pollutants make their way into your home. The answer?

Air Ducts.

It’s true! If you’re suffering from the sniffles inside your own home, it’s likely that dirty air ducts are to blame. Right after carpet, the air ducts in your home harbor more allergy-inducing agents than any other area in your home.

According to the EPA, the number of air pollutants present in indoor air can be 2-5 (or in some cases, 10) times higher than outdoor levels, and more than 150 known carcinogens have been found in both homes and offices. For people with serious allergy issues, this can be especially problematic, making the need for a change greater than ever.

Learn More: Improving Indoor Air Quality


There are a few different reasons why someone would need to have their air ducts cleaned, but when it comes to allergies, the health of you and your family is on the line, making this the most important. Because of how serious this issue can become if left unattended, out of sight should not mean out of mind in this context.

Luckily, Carpet Tech has a solution! We have professional tools to inspect your air ducts, isolate the problem, and remove it in a way that is safe for you, your family, and your home. What’s left is a space where you can live and breathe easier than ever before. If you think that your home is in need of an air duct cleaning, click below to schedule an inspection. Even if a cleaning is not necessary, it never hurts to have an inspection, especially if you or members of your family suffer from allergies!

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